Rebranding asdesign
Our old brand was created back in 2017 when asdesign was first set up with the idea to create a freelance business dedicated to the construction sector. However back when I started asdesign I admit I certainly didn’t know much about the business side of things. Over the next few years of learning, listening and certainly making mistakes, the business changed. The working processes, ethos and what asdesign was about developed from a naive vision to a company I feel very passionate about, but the visual identity stayed the same. With the identity not telling the right story and the pandemic slowing everything down providing space to think, it was time to reassess and change.
The new identity focuses on utilising a bespoke typeface to act as an anchor for adaptable systems that are to be applied over time. The typeface is based on a humanist sans serif representing my own history as to what inspired me to become a designer. Even though asdesign focuses on our client’s needs I still feel it’s important that the brand reflects its journey and connection to my own career, using that to showcase the knowledge and expertise that has been gained over the years. The choice of the earlier humanist sans typefaces also allowed the overall design to have slight non-uniformity. These little differences create a more living typeface instead of what can feel mechanical at times. This human touch is something I wanted to bring out within the design of the typeface, while also having a structure that brings it all together.
The typeface is the overarching structure to the identity as it holds the history as well as the aspirations of the future. It wouldn’t work just on its own so a simple colour palette had to be created to help elevate the ideas. The colour palette relies on just four colours, a navy, bright blue, grey and pale grey. The reason for these colours comes from the idea society has of being corporate. The work we produce often comes under that category but it doesn’t mean we produce uninspiring, dull and clinical designs. The colours are intentionally placed together to form a neat and formal appearance that’s juxtaposed by the playful fluid motion graphics.
This fluid style isn’t just to engage the audience but represents the malleable design process that asdesign uses with our clients. As society moves further into a digital space motion becomes more important within an identity. The logo itself can be seen static as well as in motion, using this fluid form to tie the typography with colour.
Each element has been carefully curated with the idea of uniting all elements into one package that excites, engages, but doesn’t overwhelm the audience. The overall feel is clean, minimal, with elements of playfulness.